Brooklyn is to us a neighborhood of industrial buildings changed into new fancy apartments and great places to organise a party as well as the area where the most interesting cultural things happen. We went there to the Halloween ball in October and after that we've been there to see Quartet (with L.'s favorite, Isabelle Huppert) in BAM, Brooklyn's Academy of Music, and just day before yesterday Shakespeare's As you like it, directed by Sam Mendes. It was a hilarious show, watched from the seats placed extremely high. I can't wait to go see the other show of the project, The Tempest.
But there are also events done on a very small budget. In the beginning of December we heard about this group called The Aunts. Someone told us they organise a soirée of dance performances - at somebody's place! We went to the address given in Timeout, our necks reaching far, so curious we were. First we noticed the building, once more of these old industrial buildings taken into new use:

Inside we discovered that there are no tickets sold: one must only come with something to give, like old clothes, books, drinks or food. So we went back to the street to find a store and get some beer to give.:)
Back inside, we saw a man dressed in silver clothes rolling on the floor and holding a can phone in his hand. I also got to speak with him, although the audibility was even worse than normarly in New York when you call someone while on the street. After the guy I saw two girls dressed in foil.

And a performance of voice.

But the funniest was a show given by a group of Frenches, pretending to be a group of robust men and frogs and film personalities... And doing their thing in a very nonchalant way!

I was really glad to see this place because it gave me for the first time the feeling that New York doesn't offer only expensive and touristic Broadway shows but it has a lot of creative people that are eager to show what they can and make it a celebration together. One just has to know where to search for this kind of events. And of course have long ears!
The summary of the year 2009 continues in the next posting.
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