There was also a tapir. But as you may notice from the atmosphere of the photo, it seemed lonely. Or bored. Or maybe it was only resting. There's always the moral problem of visiting the zoos: is it really necessary to gather those animals here where they don't belong just for us to look at and bother them?

The black panther looked very royal. But wait a minute, aren't there two panthers resting in this picture?

The Hog-nosed (also known as Pig-nosed) turtle was pretty much worth of it's name.

He's the big guy in the pool.

When the feeders came, the sea lions had to do a bunch of tricks. Like getting the frisbee and bringing it back. Fish for the price. Almost every time they got their bodies up there easily.

Just could you give me some more fish?

The tiger was beautiful. But one of the animals that didn't make the impression of a happy animal, going around the same path in it's cage.

The same with the Polar bear. It seemed that its lunchtime was approaching, which maybe gives an explination why walk from door to door.

The little monkeys seemed ok, though. This cotton-top tamarin was one of the only monkeys we could capture in a picture since we didn't want to use flash while taking the pictures. The monkeys were running and jumping and playing with each other.

As the last but not the least of this series, here's a picture of an animal that looks so proud. The snow leopard, one of the animals that probably didn't mind the chilly circumstances.

You little sweetie pies! I think the cutest ones were the other lazy panther (with glasses) and the monkey face. Pusui!
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